
Purple Asparagus


General Information
Purple asparagus is a similar in appearance and flavor to both white and green varieties as its original cultivar came from green asparagus. Its differentiated by its violet hued stems and conical crowned tips, however its feathery foliage is still green. Its attractive violet coloring is only skin deep as its flesh is pale green to creamy white. It is inherently less fibrous thus more tender than other asparagus types. Also, its preferred sweetness is due to its twenty percent higher sugar content than other asparagus varieties. Cooked purple asparagus develops flavoral notes of artichoke, barley and almonds.


Purple asparagus’ colour comes from the high levels of anthocyanins in the spears. Anthocyanins are potent antioxidant flavonoids that have protective and preventative health benefits, including anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer properties.


Purple asparagus was originally developed in Italy by farmers in the Albenga region. They propagated it from seeds from open pollinated female plants. It was first commercialized under the variety name Violetto d’Albenga. Cultivated and wild asparagus thrive in temperate regions of North America and Western Europe.