
Red Kuri Squash


General Information 

Red Kuri squash is small to medium in size, averaging eighteen centimeters in diameter and 3-7 pounds, and has a pear or teardrop-like shape with a thick, rough, light-brown stem. The skin is smooth, firm, and thin with a vibrant red-orange hue and faint light orange to tan vertical ridging. The flesh is dense, thick, dry, and gold to yellow, and encases a large central cavity with stringy pulp and many flat, cream-colored seeds. When cooked, Red Kuri squash has a smooth and tender texture with a sweet, nutty flavor reminiscent of chestnuts.



Red Kuri squash was created using a hubbard squash which was introduced to Japan in 1878, recently after Japan opened to international trade. The Red Kuri was developed on the island of Hokkaido and was bred to be smaller, thinner skinned, and have a nuttier flavor. Today Red Kuri squash can be found at farmers markets, specialty grocers, and through online seed catalogs in Asia, Europe, New Zealand, and the United States.